30 Things before I'm 30
So it's not quite a travel post but I did want to write about this somehwhere.
So I turned 20 last march and I thought these are supposedly the best years of my life so how am I going to make the most of it? So I thought I'm going to make a mini bucket list. My 30 before I'm 30. Hopefully someone cares enough to keep up with this. 10 years, it seems pretty doable.
I'm planning on documenting it all on this blog so keep an eye out, although not a lot will be the most interesting read, I have to document it somewhere.
Skip to below to see my progress!
So here's my list:
1. Learn to surf.
2. Sky dive.
3. Go to 30 countries.
4. Try wakeboarding.
5. Raise £1000 for Charity.
6. Rickshaw run.
7. Obstacle course run.
8. Learn Spanish.
9. Run a half marathon.
10. Swim with sharks.
11. Long trip.
12. Attend la Tomatina.
13. Learn to scuba dive.
14. Attend Glastonbury.
15. Shower in a waterfall.
16. Animal sanctuary work.
17. Complete a TEFL course.
18. Ride in a hot air balloon.
19. Go veggie full time.
20. Learn to ride a motorbike.
21. Do a solo trip.
22. Go to a drive in cinema.
23. Hold a tarantula.
24. Visit 3 continents.
25. Rocky horror live show.
26. Read more classic books.
27. Have a full spa day.
28. Donate blood
29. Do voluntary work.
30. Take more photos.
I hope people enjoy reading this as much as I hopefully will enjoy doing it!